259 documents matched the search for K.B., Rangappa in authors.
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Analysis of socio-economic factors affecting deprivation of school attendance across Indian districts and its implication on public expenditure, Chetan Kumar and Rangappa K.B.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Socio-Economic Factors, Horizontal spread, School attendance, Indian Districts, Binomial Logistic Regression, Predictive Probability
A Lift Irrigation Scheme of Karnataka State: A Critical Review, Gopi H and Rangappa K.B.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Food Subsidies, Loan Waiver, SMFs, Electrification, GKY.
Analyzing Usage and Effectiveness Of E-Learning Applications among Rural and Urban Students: An Empirical Study, Chetan Kumar G.K. and Rangappa K.B.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Digital devices, E-Applications, Rural and urban students, Information Communication Technology, Learning Outcomes, Binomial Regression
Indigenization in Education: Key to self Sufficiency and strategic Capability, Chetan Kumar G.K. and Rangappa K.B.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Indigenization, Colonial structure of Education, Demographic Dividend, Value System, Society, Strategic capability
Indigenization of Indian Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development: A Critical review of its need and Challenges, Rangappa K.B. and Chetan Kumar G.K.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Green Revolution, Sustainable Development, contemporary problems, wholistic approach
Empirical analysis of socio-economic factors affecting deprivation of years of schooling among households across Indian districts, Chetan Kumar, Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Socio-Economic Factors, Horizontal spread, School attendance, Indian Districts, Binomial Logistic Regression, Predictive Probability
Effectiveness of Seminar and Webinar in Learning Experience: An Empirical Analysis, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Online and Offline mode of learning, Seminar, Webinar, Intergenerational age differences, learning outcome
Analyzing the Impact of Companies’ Investment on Skill Upgradation in Improving their Resilience amidst COVID-19, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: On the Job Training, Skill Upgradation, GARCH model, shock subsidence
Analyzing Interlinkages between Financial and Real Estate Sector in the aftermath of COVID-19's Second wave: An Econometric Approach using VECM model, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Real Estate Sector, Financial Sector, Co-integration, Vector Error Correction Model, normalcy, post-pandemic, Covid-19
Impact of ICT in Enhancing Learning Experience among Rural Students in India: An Empirical Analysis, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: : Technology in Learning, Learning Outcomes, Digital Devices, Rural Students, Socio-economic factors
Normative analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on prominent sectors of Indian economy by using ARCH Model, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Covid-19, ARCH models, volatility, share market prices, impact on sectors, implications on government policies.
American bilateral trade with emerging economies and its influence on world economic recovery post Covid-19: Analysis through VECM, Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Covid-19, bi-lateral trade, major economies, emerging economies, GDP, VECM.
Normative analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on prominent sectors of Indian economy by using ARCH Model, G.K. Chetan Kumar, K.B. Rangappa and S. Suchitra,
in Theoretical and Applied Economics
Keywords: Covid-19, ARCH models, volatility, share market prices, impact on sectors, implications on government policies.
American bilateral trade with emerging economies and its influence on world economic recovery post Covid-19: Analysis through VECM, G.K. Chetan Kumar, K.B. Rangappa and Suchitra S,
in Theoretical and Applied Economics
Keywords: Covid-19, bi-lateral trade, major economies, emerging economies, GDP, VECM.
Regulator’s Decision and Risk Management: The Case of India, G.K. Chetan Kumar, K.B. Rangappa and Suchitra S,
in The Review of Finance and Banking
Journey of A Drug from Table to Trade, Shobith Rangappa,
in Novel Approaches in Drug Designing & Development
Keywords: juniper publishers, drug designing pdf ,drug designing articles ,drug designing abstract ,drug designing journal,modern approaches in drug designing journal,drug designing & intellectual properties international journal,peer reviewed open access journals,high impact journals , juniper publishers review
Book Reviews: Nagendra Singh. Commercial Law of India. Delhi: Thomson Press, I975. Pp. viii +208. Price Rs 36.00, K.B. Rohatgi,
in International Studies
Regional Cooperation in South Asia: Some Reflections, K.B. Lall,
in South Asian Survey
Angola in Ferment: The Background and Prospects of Angolan Nationalism By Thomas Okuma. Beacon Press, Boston (Mass), 1962. 137p. $3.50, Bajpai K.b,
in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs
DAHMUS, JOSEPH H. The Prosecution of John Wyclyf. Pp. xi, 167. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1952. $4.00, K.B. McFarlane,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Key tendencies in scientific and technical (innovative) activities of Russian industrial companies, Dobrova K.B.,
in Modernization. Innovation. Research МИР (Модернизация. Инновации. Развитие)
Southern Rhodesia, K.B. Raj,
in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs
Review and Notices India, K.B. Rai,
in India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs
A balance sheet of preventive medicine in an industrial society, K.B. Sturgis,
in American Journal of Public Health
Addressing colorectal cancer disparities among African American men beyond traditional practice-based settings, K.B. Naylor,
in American Journal of Public Health
Reappraising the 1950s in Zimbabwean History: The Problem of Todd and the Limits of Liberalism, K.B. Wilson,
in Journal of Southern African Studies
On Truths about Truth in Mozambique’s Liberation Struggle, K.B. Wilson,
in Journal of Southern African Studies
Coalescence in the recent past in rapidly growing populations, K.B. Athreya,
in Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Keywords: Coalescence; Recent past; Rapidly growing populations; Branching processes; Regular variation;
Growth rates for pure birth Markov chains, K.B. Athreya,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Use of saline and non-potable water in the turfgrass industry: Constraints and developments, K.B. Marcum,
in Agricultural Water Management
Effective medium approximation in the localization theory: Saddle point in a lagrangian formulation, K.B. Efetov,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Filling the quality gaps for a futuristic management education, K.B. Sridevi,
in Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Keywords: Futuristic management education, Quality gaps, Industry-institution linkages, Soft skills development, Global management professionals
Deriving advantages from advanced manufacturing technology -- an organizing paradigm, K.B. Chung,
in International Journal of Production Economics
Political Empowerment of Women in Soviet Union and Russia, Usha K.B.,
in International Studies
De-colonising the Aesthetic Sense:The story of craft revival in Aruvacode potters’ village, Jinan K.B.,
from eSocialSciences
Keywords: knolwedge systems, craft revival, indidgenous communities, potters' craft, Kerala, design development, craft culture, Humanities, Sociology, Anthropology
Co-Creation and Learning, K.B. Akhilesh,
from Springer
Emerging Dimensions of Technology Management, K.B. Akhilesh,
from Springer
Utilization Pattern of PM-KISAN Benefits, Gopi H and Rangappa K B,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Landlords, Zamindari system, Crop Yield, Crop Health, NCRB
Opportunities and Challenges of Youths in a Globalized India, Gopi H and Rangappa K B,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Globalization, Merchandise, financial assets, Innovation
Socio-Economics Status of an Irrigation Scheme's Beneficiaries with Non-Beneficiaries: A Comparative Study in Karnataka, Gopi H and Dr. Rangappa K B,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Socio-Economic, Beneficiaries, Non-beneficiaries, SC/ST, Subsidy.
Clean energy for sustainable development in India, Srikantaswamy Shivanna and K. S. Rangappa,
in Journal of Social and Economic Development
Keywords: Renewable enerty, Solar energy, Wind energy, Bio-mass energy
Transport Infrastructure Development in Bangladesh: Potential for Regional Cooperation, K.B. Sajjadur Rasheed,
in South Asian Survey
Prepare and support our chief health strategists on the front lines, K.B. De Salvo,
in American Journal of Public Health
in The Review of Faith & International Affairs
Addressing Gender Equality and Development, Dr. Chandrika K.B.,
in International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation
Welcome Address, Shri K.B. Lall,
in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Teaching/Communication
Texture Features in Palmprint Recognition System, C. Naveena, Shreyas Rangappa and Chethan H. K.,
in International Journal of Natural Computing Research (IJNCR)
Effectiveness of online capacity building programs in wholistic development of faculties: an empirical analysis, G. K. Chetan Kumar, K. B. Rangappa and S. Suchitra,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: faculty development program; contemporary skills; public funded programs; career orientation; research skills; online training
A Study on the Relationship between the Ground Water Resources and the Sustainability of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Aspects, Gopi H, Megha S and Rangappa K B,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Groundwater, Sustainable agriculture, Fossil water, land sliding.
An Operational Mechanism of Ganga Kalyana Scheme in Karnataka: An Analysis with Demand and Supply Phenomena, Dr. Gopi H and Dr. Rangappa K B,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: GSDP, Primary Sector, SMFs, Weaker section, Demand, Supply
Letter To Hon'Ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister of External Affairs and Chairman, Saarc Council of Ministers, South Block, New Delhi 12 December 1995, K.B. Lall and I.K. Gujral,
in South Asian Survey
Willingness to Pay for Crop Insurance Premium-A Study on Maize Farmers in India, Shashi Kiran and K.B. Umesh,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries
Effects of Climate Change on the Livestock Population in Mustang District, Nepal, Ananta Koirala and K.B. Shrestha,
in Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Keywords: pasture, parasites, livestock, forage, fodder, disease, climate change
Open innovation practices among Indian software product firms: a pilot study, Sumukh Hungund and K.B. Kiran,
in International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
Keywords: open innovation; awareness; adoption; firm performance; India; software products; small and medium-sized enterprises; software SMEs.
A study of electrochemical magnetic abrasive machining process, K.B. Judal and Vinod Yadava,
in International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
Keywords: hybrid machining; electrochemical magnetic abrasive machining; cylindrical EMAM; unbonded magnetic abrasives; UMAs; surface roughness; abrasion; stainless steel; electrolytic current; magnetic flux density; workpiece rotational speed; material removal; MRR; surface roughness; surface quality.
The impact of the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy on student food selection and sales in Texas, K.W. Cullen and K.B. Watson,
in American Journal of Public Health
Can a time-honored model solve the dilemma of public health nursing?, K.B. Wilkerson and S. Reverby,
in American Journal of Public Health
Properties of saliva cotinine in young adult light smokers, K.B. Carey and D.B. Abrams,
in American Journal of Public Health
Identification of the physical and chemical characteristics of volcanic hazards, K.B. Olsen and J.S. Fruchter,
in American Journal of Public Health
Cytomegalovirus infection as a cause of hearing loss among children, K.B. Fowler and R.F. Pass,
in American Journal of Public Health
Modeling the Survival of Chinook Salmon Smolts Outmigrating Through the Lower Sacramento River System, Newman K.B. and Rice J.,
in Journal of the American Statistical Association
Effect of measurement probes positioning on the determination of propagation coefficient using two-point methods, K.B. Abdessalem and S.B. Abdessalem,
in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Estimating Positive Externalities of Nitrogen Fixation by Pulses, S. Bhat and K.B. Umesh,
in Agricultural Economics Research Review
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
The stock market in China: An endogenous adjustment process responding to the demands of economic reform and growth, Lilai Xu and K.B. Oh,
in Journal of Asian Economics
Keywords: Chinese stock market Financial development Economic reform Economic growth Market efficiency
Euro and FIBOR interest rates: A continuous time modelling analysis, K.B. Nowman and B.B.H. Yahia,
in International Review of Financial Analysis
Keywords: G15 E43 CKLS Interest rate Euro Level
Asymptotics of powers of binomial and multinomial probabilities, K.B. Athreya and R. Janicki,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Binomial; Multinomial; Asymptotics;
A pointwise Bayes-type estimator of the survival probability with censored data, K.B. Kulasekera and Meng Zhao,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Consistent linear model selection, Meng Zhao and K.B. Kulasekera,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: Design variables Linear model Squared error loss
Error covariance matrix estimation using ridge estimator, June Luo and K.B. Kulasekera,
in Statistics & Probability Letters
Keywords: High dimension; Error covariance matrix; Ridge estimation; Asymptotic property;
Conceptualizing and communicating organizational risk dynamics in the thoroughness–efficiency space, K.B. Marais and J.H. Saleh,
in Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Keywords: Risk; Organizational behavior; Safety threshold; Efficiency penalty; Accidents;
Spectroscopic transmission ellipsometry studies of semiconductor heterostructures, K.B. Ozanyan and O. Hunderi,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Application of AIDS model to analyse the farm household food demand elasticity: Evidence from panel data, V. Khed and U. K.b.,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty
Ex-ante attribute based technology development in agriculture: A case of finger millet in India, K.B. Umesh and S. Sakamma,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Labor and Human Capital
Technical Efficiency in Finger Millet and Paddy Crop in Southern Karnataka: Application of Data Envelop Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Approach, K.R. Hamsa and K.B. Umesh,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
in Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty
PR - Canterbury Dairying - A Study In Land Use Change And Increasing Production (p81-87), M.C. Pangborn and K.B. Woodford,
from International Farm Management Association
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Influence of firm-level factors on adoption of the innovation approach among software product SMEs: evidence from the Bangalore region of India, Sumukh Hungund and K.B. Kiran,
in International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
Keywords: firm-level factors; open innovation; closed innovation; small and medium enterprise; SME.
African Students in India: Why is their Interest Declining?, P.J. Lavakare and K.B. Powar,
in Insight on Africa
Keywords: Indian higher education; international student mobility; African students; Indo-Africa Forum
Testing the equality of linear single-index models, Wei Lin and K.B. Kulasekera,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Parametric component detection and variable selection in varying-coefficient partially linear models, Dewei Wang and K.B. Kulasekera,
in Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Keywords: Parametric component detection; Variable selection; Adaptive LASSO; Oracle property; Varying-coefficient partially linear model;
Effects of Climate Change on the Livestock Population in Mustang District, Nepal, Ananta Koirala and K.B. Shrestha,
in Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries
from Department of Economics at the University of Washington
Keywords: contracts ; industry ; production
from University of Washington, Department of Economics
Keywords: contracts ; industry ; production
Инфляция и экономический рост: в поисках баланса // Inflation and economic growth: in search of a balance, Moldir Samat and Мекенбаева К.Б. // Mekenbayeva K.B.,
in Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan)
Keywords: инфляция, экономический рост, Казахстан, пороговые уравнения, threshold equations, inflation, economic growth, Kazakhstan
Intellectual capital management in transition economies, K.B. Oh, P.L. Nga and Bruce Ho,
in International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management
Keywords: intellectual capital; organisational management; transition economies; performance measurement; socio-economics; political systems.
Performance and efficacies in project-based action learning teams, Kris M.Y. Law and K.B. Chuah,
in International Journal of Innovation and Learning
Keywords: organisational learning; project-based action learning; PAL; team learning; collective efficacy; electronic components industry; Hong Kong; China; teamwork.
Axiomization of the center function on trees, Martyn Mulder, M.J. Pelsmajer and K.B. Reid,
from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Econometric Institute
Modelling electric and heat load profiles of non-residential buildings for use in long-term aggregate load forecasts, K.B. Lindberg, S.J. Bakker and I. Sartori,
in Utilities Policy
Keywords: Load profiles; Load forecast; Electric load; Heat load; Statistical analysis; Regression model;
Racial and ethnic disparities in services and the patient protection and affordable care act, S. Abdus, K.B. Mistry and Thomas Selden,
in American Journal of Public Health
Keywords: adult; ancestry group; ethnic group; female; health care delivery; health care policy; health insurance; human; insurance; legislation and jurisprudence; male; Maryland; medicaid; middle aged; patient care; preventive health service; statistics and numerical data; United States, Adult; Continental Population Groups; Ethnic Groups; Female; Health Insurance Exchanges; Health Services Accessibility; Humans; Insurance Coverage; Insurance, Health; Male; Maryland; Medicaid; Middle Aged; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Patient-Centered Care; Preventive Health Services; United States
Comment on clinic performance, C.P. Schade, M.F. Garland and K.B. Seegar ,
in American Journal of Public Health
Fear of AIDS and attrition among medical technologists, R.R. Gauch, K.B. Feeney and J.W. Brown,
in American Journal of Public Health
Emotional and behavioral problems and severe academic delays among sheltered homeless children in Los Angeles County, B.T. Zima, K.B. Wells and H.E. Freeman,
in American Journal of Public Health
The relation of socioeconomic factors and racial/ethnic differences in US asthma mortality, E.N. Grant, C.S. Lyttle and K.B. Weiss,
in American Journal of Public Health
Use of pharmacy data to evaluate smoking regulations' impact on sales of nicotine replacement therapies in New York City, K.B. Metzger, F. Mostashari and B.D. Kerker,
in American Journal of Public Health
Selection of the optimal personalized treatment from multiple treatments with right-censored multivariate outcome measures, Chathura Siriwardhana, K.B. Kulasekera and Somnath Datta,
in Journal of Applied Statistics
in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Effect of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) temperature for various EGR rates on heavy duty DI diesel engine performance and emissions, D.T. Hountalas, G.C. Mavropoulos and K.B. Binder,
in Energy
Keywords: Exhaust gas recirculation; Diesel engine; EGR temperature; Emissions;
Optimization of preventive condition-based tamping for railway tracks, M. Wen, R. Li and K.B. Salling,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Maintenance; Mixed Integer Linear Programming; Railway; Preventive condition-based tamping; Scheduling;
Cost analysis of the US spent nuclear fuel reprocessing facility, E.A. Schneider, M.R. Deinert and K.B. Cady,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Nuclear fuel cycle Spent nuclear fuel Reprocessing Energy economics